AJ SEARA » About Me

About Me

Be ready to hear about Long Island, movies, TV, music and - believe it or not - literature far more often than any of you or your children signed up for...
I grew up in Suffolk County, New York and knew pretty early on I wanted to be an educator. Admittedly, when I was in high school, teaching as a career was almost frowned upon; the market was far too saturated and I was concerned about the risk of not getting a job. However, at the prompting of my two favorite ELA teachers, I went through with it and attended Adelphi University. 
At Adelphi, I went through the STEP Program - a five year program that expedited the process of earning a Master's Degree while also student teaching to varying degrees. My undergrad degree was in Creative Writing and my Master's in education.
I am fortunate enough to utilize both degrees here at Dewey. Your child is in either my freshman ELA course, in which we will be developing and perfecting (yes, perfecting) the skills necessary to pass the Regents and start on the path towards Advanced Placement courses, OR in my 12th grade Creative Writing elective, in which we will be exploring the creative process of developing short stories, poems, screenplays, plays, and graphic novels. 
Whether he/she/they are beginning or ending their journey in the high school ELA realm, I can promise they will have a unique, enjoyable and rewarding experience in my class.