MONTANA (TAO) LEE » Mr. Montana Lee

Mr. Montana Lee

"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself" - John Dewey.  


A word is dead - by Emily Dickinson

A word is dead
When it is said,
Some say.
I say it just
Begins to live
That day.

Welcome!  I am Mr. Montana Lee.  I am an ESL and ELA teacher for recently arrived English language learners in 9th grade and 10th grade. 


Newly arrived immigrant students often face a unique set of obstacles including learning a new language, culture, and adapting to a new learning environment.

  • All students in my classes are encouraged to support one another in our journey to learn to read, listen, speak, and write English.  In class, we will learn to build vocabulary, sentence structures, grammar, read fiction and informational text articles.   
  • Every student is encouraged to forge bonds with one another to provide academic, emotional, and social support in our journey to learn the English language. 
  • Together we will forge a journey to overcome the challenges of mastering English and pursue our dreams.
  • Let us all work hard - Have fun learning and studying together!!!