SCOTT GLICK » Peer Mediation/Restorative Justice

Peer Mediation/Restorative Justice

In this class your child will be trained as a peer mediator using the principles of restorative justice.


Restorative justice is a way of dealing with conflict and harm that focuses on repairing the harm done and restoring relationships. It is based on the idea that everyone involved in a conflict has something to contribute to finding a solution, and that everyone has a responsibility to make things right.

In restorative justice, the people involved in a conflict meet together to talk about what happened, how it affected them, and what they need to make things right. They may also talk about what they can do to prevent similar conflicts from happening in the future.

Restorative justice can be used to deal with a wide range of conflicts, from small arguments to serious crimes. It has been shown to be effective in reducing re-offending rates and improving school climate.

Here are some of the benefits of restorative justice:

* It helps to repair the harm done to victims.

* It helps to build relationships between people who have been involved in conflict.

* It teaches people how to resolve conflict peacefully.

* It helps to create a more positive school climate.

SEAL- This class involves social emotional learning

The S.E.A.L program aims to build caring, safe, learning communities where diversity is respected and celebrated; motivate students to get involved in school activities, improve academic performance and make a life-long commitment to learning; develop leadership skills that help students to make positive changes in their school environment through peer mentoring, which includes upperclassmen as SEL Leaders and incoming freshmen as their mentees for a year-long period.