Locker Room Update 9/19/24

All students are permitted to have a PE locker based on availability in our locker rooms. You have the responsibility of using your gym locker ONLY during your gym period. Only students enrolled in physical education classes or on PSAL sports teams may use a gym locker.  Valuables must not be kept in lockers. You are responsible to purchase your own lock and can purchase a lock during your lunch period from the school store if you choose to. In order to safeguard your possessions, you have the responsibility not to give your locker combination to another student. Lockers are not to be used to safeguard valuable items. Lockers are the property of the school and can be searched without permission if there is reasonable suspicion that forbidden materials are concealed. When you use your locker, be aware of others who are around who can see your combination. You must double check the security of the lock before you leave the locker. If you have a broken locker, report this to Room 163. Report theft or locker break-ins in Room 163.