9/7/23 Parent Townhall Meeting Recording Attached Files Parent Town Hall 2023.pptx.pdf 9/7/23 Parent Town Hall Meeting Parent / Student responsibilities Credit Explanation Dewey Diagnostic Cell phone policy Show Transcript 10 sack song baby good evening everyone I guess we'll get started in about 2 minutes we'll just wait for a few more people to sign in Melissa are you with me yes I'm here and greet all right thank you watermelon Black song okay good evening again everyone I want to be really cognizant of everyone's trying this evening and I want to ensure that we cover everything leave some time open for questions that you may have for us here it's on Dewey and then still be able enjoy the beautiful evening ahead of us so welcome everyone welcome to the school year of 2023 to 2024 I cannot believe that I'm saying that that we do here in the school year already three years from our pandemic and we are going really really strong so this evening we are going to just kind of goes through some of the policies the setup of John Dewey go through student schedules and anything more pertinent that you may have for us today was a beautiful day here on the campus of the students came on so they will ready the movie you are are skinning and coming into the building with these you know the Freshman of course of walking around trying to find their way but we're advocating for themselves which I'd love to see asking really good questions and the day was very very big success so we look forward to the many days that we have coming ahead of us so I want to stop by introducing the administration summer on here in Selma North with us this evening but Melissa if we move to the next slide So This Is Us meeting your Administration I am Miss Heather Adele am the principal of John Dewey High School became the principal here in 20 21 and have been here for seven years prior six years prior as the assistant principal of ela and as you see we are old bus cabinet filled with many talented special special in boot cover everything from our school safety with mr. good true to our instruction of science English math social studies as well as a special ed and rnl so when you hear our names are you see things coming home and you see on our website which I'll show you soon these are the faces that are behind the the name and we want to welcome you can I go to the next line and then we have our Academy so here are John Dewey and show you already know your child is attached to an academy we have six we have our Arts Academy pre-med law stem and EJ and each one of these academies office your student an individual Focus pathway for career and college success we design our elective courses with inside of these academies to focus on internships mentorships college-level introductions to the field that the students are in listed in each Academy here is under the leadership of one of our assistant principals along with a guidance counselor and a school aide who helps facilitate all of your children so it helps create that personalized approach and in fact that we have 2,200 students in the building it makes them feel that they're in a smaller more one-on-one environment the students were exciting looking for their guidance counselors today I'm so if they're coming home and telling you that they haven't met with their guidance counselor yet trust me it's happening you can email any one of these leaders that are in the academy is their email here and also on our website which will be showing you soon and we will be answering all of their questions and concerns I know those first days are a little hectic but everything will settle very shortly next line this is our PTA I am so excited to be working in collaboration with our PTA here at John Dewey High School as you see not only other beautiful people but they are involved and with us every step of way they ask really great questions they advocate for your children everyday they're in contact with us they join our activities in our events and I'm going to hand it over to our president miss Alicia Shah I'm to introduce herself and the others that are on here with us good afternoon actually good evening to be on with everyone this evening and thank you Miss Adele so on with us tonight there is me I Malaysia the president and then we also have Michael Abraham the vice president on with us as well Mike if you want to say hey a and we also have movie near Bautista our treasure on his well blue good evening everybody and we also have our recording secretary Marsha's on the phone with us tonight animal delivery one so are we are in Priscilla unfortunately couldn't make it tonight but we are you're 20 23 2020 for PTA our executive board and we are super excited to meet you all in person at either either or school events or a PTA event or a parent engagement Workshop we have a lot of things that we offer in terms of the support that we provide school but then also talked to our Scholars but then also to you all as parents and Guardians and so next Wednesday September 13th at 6 p.m. will be our first PTA meeting semester of the school year and that will be a virtual on a virtual platform and the zoom information is inside our school website we also are on Instagram so we will drop our Instagram account mainlink fitting I don't know what we call that Instagram thingy on there and then you all can follow us on Instagram to we do a lot of collaborator posts with the school but then we also post our own content to engage the parents as well as our Scholars and our email address we will drop our email address in the chat as well and will tell you more about all of the things connected to our email address but Justin you know just started engaging with you all and meeting everyone we wanted to say welcome and thank you and go and I I have to plug one very very important things I'm for mr. antonucci and not as our parent lunch forms so please make sure that you are completing your parents school lunch form and submitting. in a timely manner because that supports the the other piece of the funding that we received from the school as well so if you have any thoughts or questions feel free to email us or drop a sub DM in Instagram or you'll see our will you'll see us in the school were typically in on-campus once a week and we just hang out all day and and and get to know everyone so hope to see you all soon thank you thank you Michelle okay so here we go so this is where I wanted to start which is always with our bell schedule right where we come in how do we come in what time we coming in so are typical school day is starts from 8:02 a.m. as you see on the left hand side of this picture and goes until possibly 3:33 in the afternoon that depends if your child has a 1 through a schedule or what 9 old children are expected to be in school at 8 a.m. we always tell them to give themselves a little extra to find between the buses the trains and also we are a scanning school so that takes a few extra minutes to get in in the morning students usually get used to it pretty quickly and within a week it was right you know what moves more fluently so every student is to report to the school at 8 or to accept our seniors they do come in a little bit later in the morning some seniors are coming in between 3rd and 4th. What we have here is John Dewey is a different type of schedule than other traditional high schools in the fact that we come together at the school staff comes together on a shortened Thursday schedule throughout the year and that gives us time to analyze work and discuss student progress and look at each individual child and we need that time and space we can make plans accommodations and adjustment to make sure that every child has success throughout the course of their Academic Year so on this slide all the shorten Thursday dates as we moved so if your child is saying to you I have a short day they may not you don't be lying and he's all the decent they do have so we have one next week with Scott already on September 14th and the 21st is for September and we move through the years that indicate on the slide the students seem to like of course having the short schedule but it also gives the time for the teachers to engage with the students differently on those Thursdays as well those are all conferences that's the time in those classrooms as you see the. They're a little bit shorter but it's a different structure in this the students are getting different instruction and attention through conferencing and working on there Julio's I'm so that was too short and Thursdays are just as important as a regular school day and they should be in attendance as they are everyday we can go to the next 5 or so so I always say everybody that I talk about talk to you about John Dewey is what we can do for you what can John do we do for you and some of the things I already spoke about with our Academy benefits and I'll small learning communities and it really does make a difference for the stew they feel connected they feel safe they feel heard and going through the academy there with students that share the same passions hobbies and lightness and its really really something that we found a lot of success with here John Dewey so when you look at our campus at me look very large but we're very small inside with that we also offer a tremendous amount of after-school opportunities whether it be from tutoring reassessment programs with his opportunities for students to retry their work and their tasks and assignments for optimal success throughout the course of them walking. we have Saturday institutes for r e n l population and really any student that wants to come in and get extra support we have a tremendous pesala teams here and there I'll show you a list of them that we currently have we also work very closely with the College Board and college now programs where our students are we are now currently up to over 20 e-courses and it gives them those opportunities to try their hand at college-level work but in a smaller environment for them for themselves for Success we work with community-based Physicians who come in and work with us students not only academically but socially and emotionally we are a part of project pivot which I don't know if anybody has heard of it and there are 50 schools in New York City that the chancellor has really quit resources and funding behind to help support our students mental wellness and we are probably selected as one of those schools also John Dewey we do have so much for our students here from our after schools for my academics from all our programs that we run to our economies and we are always excited to see what the students want to also bring to the table so this is just a list small left this very low muscle on the last year I think was almost robust year with 65 here is on doing and the students are a part of making that happen they get together with bunch of other students that they have an interest in something they make a proposal they bring it to their Academy leaders they bring it to my office and they put forth a proposal to say why this would be good for John Dewey the students get the opportunity to also create clubs that they are interested in they find their teacher facilitator and it's really inspiring to wash empowered the students feel and become do justice Outlet so there's plenty of things for students to be involved with here then go to the next line and this like I said is our list of teams one of the things here John Dewey students keep propositioning me for is a football team I keep pushing back on them with that we're going to see who wins of winning but until we do get football we have all of these other opportunities for the students it'd be a part of a lacrosse boys they won the city Championship two years ago we were very proud of that and to watch them come together and watch them practicing and being together as a team is is really something 22 just embraced so this is what we have here at John Dewey as far as PSAL this is another piece that I think it's really important that I wanted to touch base on there's been some changes with John Dewey's connection to braids so we are moving over to what is known as gamma and that is through the New York City Department of Education the New York City Department of Education there is a hub there that holds our attendance holds our grades hose communication so we have moved over to it this year so for our parents and on our parents side one of the things that we encourage you to get onto right away is your school's accounts and we have that link there for you Melissa we could see if we could drop can we drop the link into the chat and I'm also providing Miska to so who is our parent coordinator and we couldn't ask for a better one I think we have the best one in New York City and misfits you still can help walk you through this process if you had an account and lost your password if you need a reset on it if you need to know how to navigate it and then New York City account for you hold everything you need you can see your students grades you can see their attendance you could steal everything that we need to communicate with you that's one form that it can go through to the student side students are going to be involved in new curriculum curriculum that is across New York City we are apart of the electorate of math pilot this year we are moving into into lit with rela with our science and we have new visions that are supporting our social studies so we are heavily aligned with the vision of the chancellor and with that the easiest way to navigate that was to move our students over to there New York City accounts because the curriculum the resources the workbooks all of those things are easily available for them on the teachhub as well as their grade book because the teachers have moved so the teacher the students go in at the same Hub as a teacher's and it's called teachhub. Schools.nyc and if Melissa can you click that link for the student reset link the students we know tend to lose their passwords and locked themselves out of the accounts from right above right under the students named Melissa under students it's a student reset link the we generated this link the students to use it's also on our website if they need a reset link or to get into their account they can just use the Google form and we will send them to fractions and working with mr. antonucci I don't care what everyone it's not letting me do it cuz I'm in like presenter mode but I'll hear it what's on the website anyway right so it's easier for them to Lincoln there are two so now that you know the places to go to see everything which is in those tubs the parent portal and student portal I want to talk about what is right which is our greeting and what happens here at John Dewey what we have realized what we have always known but we have moved forward with with a community especially coming aft out of the pandemic is looking and really thinking call wig reading our students why we grading them this way what is the purpose behind what we're asking them to complete as far as their tasks and their assessments and last year teachers came together the teachers the staff came together and we really put together a comprehensive understanding of what our purpose is and why we're doing this so here is John doing Mary purpose of school vibrating for us is to clearly communicate with the students and their families how they're going to be assessed their progress towards mastering and their horses and to give them feedback on their progress with inside of the course what we believe here is that it's not about the final grade the final grade is the grade yes we will look for Arabic Harden and you know that that's where we stand however what we truly believe is the journey that got us there how are we towards our Mastery how are we working towards our understanding of the standards of the state so what we move forward with is a portfolio system here at John Dewey and we're moving in I'm stuck in here with it this year and that is to hold their work and their assessments that indicate as you see the chart says they're gross their progress and their achievements so thinking about their growth how did they from September 7th to September 25th right how did they get their successfully what was that growth that has happened even in a short span and what progress is there what are the indicators to show that that growth did happen and then of course ultimately leading to those indicators showing great progress and growth with inside of their weekly monthly profolio building is that ultimate achievement so agreed on an exam or agreed on a final writing piece should never be a surprise it should be a combination of what they run over time and the teachers and the staff we really believe in this and we're working on that and he came up with this policy with these categories because we believed that not only is it about a student major Simon's or their test and quizzes but it's also if we take a look at that Deli engagement and how important the daily engagement is being in the classroom being engaged with their pure is being engaged with the teacher in the room asking those questions so we ensure that that the engagement was a part of our greeting parameters with that Gravely to credit write an ultimately we want graduation do you want every one of John Dewey's students to walk across that stage but to get there they need to gain credit and with that if be in the left-hand side of this slide I just want to reiterate for those that maybe don't know or do you know and get confused High School is very different than middle school and Elementary School it does it's not a holistic approach we're at you look at the at the end of the year and they'll pass them or they'll put them forward to the next grade in high school it's credit or no credit you either gain it and you move forward in your year or you don't and you stay in the year until you gain what you need so we did a minimum of for the purposes of this conversation but the end goal for a child in New York City to graduate they must earn 44 credits for graduation at is a hard stop there's no nothing nothing that's going to deter from that if you don't have 44 credits and you don't have your Five Regents you cannot graduate high school with that being said they need to understand how they get that so this is here is what we're expecting for all students our students are expected to gain eight credits in their English 8 credits in their social studies over the course of four years they need six Credit in math and I know that this chart says three years meaning that they have to do a minimum of three years we encouraged and we the partnership with our parents to have students do four years of math with the four years of math it's because you will also putting forward your / fully 04 College college is very competitive and college does not like this brakes and credits they like to see that the students stayed committed to their cause and send their academics as well as the other pieces on the you know the extras that they they contribute to community and school science also needs a total of 6 credits over the four years they start with living once they finish living they move into chemistry and once they finish their chemistry they then move into an elective like a forensics class with a D moving to an earth science class every student in New York City must take language with a minimum of two credits if they want the advanced diploma they need more which then where we schedule that is inside of looking at they're Academy electives and sometimes students really want to switch off an academy elective verse you know what to have that room in their schedule to continue on with their Advanced diploma they need an Arts Credit they need 4 credits of physical education which means that it is every semester they need to have jumped they need to have gym for the four years of physical education and for some reason in high school this is the subject area that strips up most of our students are John Zoe we have me the gyms accessible we have at minimum of six different gyms running every. Students have a choice whether they're doing the weight class that doing the yoga they're doing up a strengthening class we have many different offerings for them to engage with them to get them to go to physical education we do not change here at John Dewey you know they do not need to change for physical location they just need to wear their sneakers so we make it as accommodating and as collaborative as possible but every student must have those credits and that is where they get caught up sometimes so it's really important in our partnership make sure that you're checking on this child your child's report cards and the progress was at a coming in and communicating with us if you're seeing concerns as well they're healthy need one credit and 7 elective credits which really good build up by those Academy courses that we have built and we don't have really problems with them engaging in that because that's what they really interested in and that leads into the upperclassmen going on I'm on internships we have great Partnerships with the Federal Reserve Microsoft Google we have a partnership with Coney Island and Me Mama D's hospital so we have many different ways that students can gain islands that are electives thank you and for us to make sure that they are successful and that they are getting what they need and that their progress and their growth is happening for ultimate achievement of credit what we designed this year is our do we diagnostic die in this day is something that I would like everybody to take note on we are on September 12th and this letter that's here is going to be sent out as well do you tomorrow morning on September 12th on Tuesday every student and John Dewey High School will be on the special schedule hour. Three as you can see is in red is going to run for 70 minutes for our nest diagnostic exam and. Eat for our Ela diagnostic exam what that exam is there to do is to inform us is to inform the teachers on the needs of every student here at John Dewey we need to know what they are excelling in in literacy and numeracy and what they are struggling with in literacy and numeracy it is very important for us to find those gaps so that we may design the schedule and the support and resources that every student needs in this building to gain entry into that grade level expectation what is going to happen is that they going to take the court you know they'll take these exams the teacher is going to come together it's going to get graded we are going to evaluate it we are going to find out their levels so it will give us a literacy love of the child and it will give us a numeracy level of the child when we determine and we see where the students. Range are students that are in the most need that a grapple with a lot of gaps are going to be given a 9th. Class on their schedule that is not a class that's going to stay with them all here it is a class that they will enter into within the next few weeks which is designed for some of the special curriculum to build their literacy and their numerous a and we are going to closely monitor collaborate and interact with the children to build the skills that they need to gain the confidence to go into chem class to go into their algebra class to go into their Ela class and say I can do this now I'm on with the skills and these new tools that I learned in my. 9th class once they make growth and there's been progress we're going to do this on a cycle the students will then not neat. Not anymore and. Nine will come off of their schedule and we will be bringing in a new set of students that need it so there. 9 going to be on on a constant rotation and it will be based on who needs what needs right so that we're meeting every single one of their knees yep so I know that today most students you know they came in they were looking for their schedules they were looking for their IDs the school IDs are so important it's the way that we identified out it's the way say that they belong here every student that enters into John Dewey in the morning goes to a scanning process and a part of that is swiping their ID CID lets us know if there is an issue that they need a phone filled out or if the teacher needs to speak to them and we don't want them so you don't get lost in their day so the ID is there for them they should have it on them at all times and if it's lost stolen they should be reporting it's room 167 and they should really be doing their due diligence to keep it on them at all times this student connection is well today there was a lot of I can't log in I can't find you know Myra program they could see mr. antonucci in 103 and one of the biggest things was on MetroCard so the metrocards will be giving out today and we are going to continue to make sure you know over the next few days that every single student has a MetroCard that is also another thing that they should keep safe at all times and if it's lost or stolen they do go to 167 we do take care of but we encourage them to be really responsible with these key pieces that get them to and from school and as well have ID on them at all times and that brings us to our handbook so one of the things in here which was very interesting for me this year was is a lot of feedback about disengagement in the classrooms and all students being so attached the devices and not engaging with this whole world's that they had around them I'm walls are filled with them Mission people around them are filled with information the classrooms is a place for them to gain knowledge and you know we all know as as you're their parents and God they are so attached to these devices so in our policy which is always been there but we are going strong with it this year is our cell phone policy cell phones are allowed in the schools yeah it is a part of the regulations students are allowed to have them on their person and that is as far as the regulation goes as far as using it displaying it going on Tik Tok making their Tik tok's making that phone call was texting their friends and using it during the course of the day is something that doesn't is not allowed it's just not it's just not allowed what we saw last year and more so last year than any other year but coming out of the pandemic and it was worse is that it is it was just accidentally they're more connected with their phones this year we are telling all of our students here in this building that they are not allowed to be on their phone or their phones need to be away and out of first and foremost in the classrooms we don't want to see him we don't want to hear them their airpod there are buds their their headphones are off not interview you know they did they argue custom signs in the state of West but I'm not listening to anything then take it out of here we are trying to create the culture where they are fully engaged with the people that are around them and engaged in their learning in those spaces so I implore you to please help partner with us and I know that even for ourselves I'm a mother myself you know it's easy to pick up the phone and text your child I will have to ask him a question all I have to make sure that they know this how to make sure that they know that but we have to make sure that we're doing that in a timely space right so I implore you to park with us this year and to reinforce. you know what they are calling you during the day please tell them to hang out they can call from an office there any emergency that they have we are definitely going to contact you in any emergency we would never stop a student from contacting when making connection but we are going to try to curtail that disengagement that we're finding with the electronic devices I also encourage all the parents to go on to my website which was going to show you in a second and our Ham books on there and to read through it and some kind of understand how we are setting up all of our program is in the framework for the success of us children thank you and that is our concern that is our Hub this year John Dewey has created with Melissa's spearheading one of the most beautiful websites that I've ever seen it is filled with information for parents for students and faculty we have all of our social media linked to it we have all of our forms linked to it we have emails linked to it and one of the things that we also have on there for another communication system is out talking points talking points is one of our biggest forms of communication we found great success with it last year it's a texting system that we put in place so it is through an app that comes your phone we text you it shows up on your phone and it's even easy for you to communicate with us because we know that we're always on the Move we're always you know doing something so if we need to get something out we send out this text and you you may respond to it as well the teachers have been using it I know that it's been great for their Outreach with with the families and I know that the families have really appreciated that real-time conversations that they're having I'm so on there is also the the the link and my correct Melissa there's a link there for them to connect with walking points yeah it's under the family section so I'm the captive top it'll be under families and love you talking points Lincoln everyone can go on that way and we're going to share this power points as well just tell point will be on the website so that all the links will be active for you to you know go through and look through if you have any things if you want to dive into deeper once we you know say our Goodnights here Melissa is there anything that I had left okay so just to kind of recap what's coming up for this month this month is pretty strong and steady so like I said Tuesday September 12th is our do we diagnostic day we have that special schedule September 13th is our first ETA meaning of the school year and we're really excited for a great turnout and our first day off will be on Monday September 25th in observance of Rosh Hashanah that them right now I'll keep this in a steady stream until October 4th not 14th I'm sorry that's the wrong date it's October 9th I believe so I may just stop. October 9th that is this year I forgot I'll say that for Columbus Day we look forward to this year to being strong and steady we want our students here everyday we want them ready to engage in their learning in there at advocacy for themselves in their purest I look forward to seeing the great things that they're going to accomplish and their next steps to making John Dewey amazing there were a lot of smiles this morning the whole ways was Millwood was buzzing the students really bring such an energy in a vibe that I can't describe and I just love being around it every single day so with that Melissa I'm just going to hand it over to you cuz you got the website up now if there's anything that you want you know definitely the Highlight yeah so I just want to say hi everyone I'm on I am a secretary in the special ed department and I do the website and social media so I just wanted to give you guys just a few little details on the website that would be very helpful for parents as you see right now there's like an alert message that comes up whenever we have something important for parents or students will put this message off and you can click for more information and will be a great tool for just remembering something that's coming up soon the next couple days students will be allowed to come during the lunch. The program changes so we wanted all the kids to have that information so everyone's not bombard in the guidance weighing and upstairs so I'm here to the main page of our website just so everyone knows our website is fully translatable in any language for our parents and our school community so that's a really cool feature once you select the language the entire website will be translated and that's such a great thing for our school community community cuz we are so diverse and important tab before our parents is family stabbed over your laptop it has the New York schools account language we spoke about and put in the chat so if anyone needs to get that set up it's right there we also have our PTA page I'll show it star pcas here it'll always have our upcoming a PTA meeting this is a resume link and I'll have this is a message from our PTA and some other links and the ptas email as well in here so this is Alice helpful and you can always come here to join the PTA meetings have you spoke about the talking points it's right here at the link as well another cool feature that I want to show you on the main page is our school calendar this will always have the upcoming top three events that are happening at our school all of these links are clickable and I'll bring you to a more descriptive. I'm so pretty sample like this Wednesday the town hall the zoom link was right here so it's very easy for parents to stay connected I'm going to go to show all of them this is also great because you can subscribe to our events calendar you can print you can have a year overview we're pretty up-to-date on a lot of things that are happening so far this year as you could see all our sworn instructional days are on here are days off some of our events Simon says our PTA meetings on so this is a very useful tool for parents to stay in-the-know also on our main page we will scroll down scroll down and we have a new season of that has been so things like the pro changes our parents on our program that we let everyone know in about the metro card is on here you can also show all news and I'll bring you to everything that has been posted so far this year all with links so it's great I also want to touch on the school news app this is super helpful I don't know if you braid download it you might have gotten a blast for me about this meeting today parents can download this it's on Android phones and iPhones it's cool school news when you search for it in the App Store when you do this you type download the app you'll type in John Dewey High School and then it will become like an app on your phone it shows all the things I just showed you the calendar the event if we send out push notifications like I did say about this meeting you'll automatically got a little notification on your phone if you have none patients turned on so it's a great school and I recommend even students downloading this because of the calendar and all of our events that show up on their record the website as well as if we do have an emergency or any kind of immediate message that we need to get you you will get alerted through the app instantly along with if you have all your information information up waited on the school account you'll get a text message and an email as well just do this we'll get an email you'll get a text message I'm also going to add a future for updating parents contact information so I can get emails and secondary phone numbers from parents as well just want to add a little note that enough for those that are no may or may not have a full-blown the website is also a user-friendly from mobile device if you don't want to put an app on your phone right in like a user-friendly easy to read it looks just the way it does because the snow from your roof T-Mobile screen so you know John Dewey High School. Or again you the same thing that you seem right here on the list to show everything that's on a computer you can even add it to your home screen so it does look like a nap and it's always there with the click of a button along with the school news so it's it's very user-friendly and we're loving it so far and it's only going to go up here just so you could see all of the amazing things that are on here staff directory as well if you need to contact any of your child's teachers you can I'm just going to chill for example you can hit email here and you can tell them directly from the website you don't have to login to your email if you're ready in here and they'll get an email and they'll be able to email you back teachers will also an upcoming weeks will have teacher pages we're still have resources you can also subscribe to teacher pages so if you have a couple of teachers that you want to be in the know if they're updating anything you'll be able to do that as well and I want to keep you guys too long but we have a lot of just hear this is really helpful for the students we're going to get them to be more mindful of going on to the website because everything is here for them all the clubs will be on here the bell schedule did you eat daily for the amor announcements that are updated daily if there's anything going on in the school we have again the student handbook down here once we have tutoring up and running the full tutoring schedule be up here they can download working papers old RPS . will be up here as well they'll be some we're working on some PSAL sports team personal sites so if you know the lacrosse team has things going on and they want to promote it it'll be on there as well so try and get this into your memory of logging in and checking in because it'll be such a great resource for you and that's all I don't want to keep rambling with Adele thank you so much Melissa thing I'm just looking in the chat to see I see some people exactly what we are not using locker rooms to change the gym is that what the question was around I'm trying to scroll back up to see if we got the question earlier today about your email about the you said being able to use to change or to hold their the scholars belongings during a during the day and that is just did it hasn't been used in a long time for that and they are not changing for the gym so there is no entry into any type of locker Bays or locker rooms and most our stuff is digital you know so the teachers work in Google classroom and I see that somebody even asked that I will the school in those teachers be using Google Classroom that is correct that is where the teachers a lot of them committed to that go on to it even after the pain Dominic you're welcome and so most of the correspondence and stuff it's not like the days where the students used to walk around with their book bags filled with books so the lockers are at we're not using like or as not sure if there was any other questions here on the qna not the chat the one right beside it I've been answering them there just one question about I didn't I don't recall and I don't want to miss this big but when do the kids start foreign language what what grade and then I answered the other questions they enter it into a friend's grave because in our ninth grade we give our students a double block of English and then intense every student receives a double. English in ninth grade we give them the ELA we just in 10th Grade here is andouille so we want to ensure that they have the most time and setting up their foundations in a lie if the students are looking to do that advanced Alma with the language and go for advanced language then we do look at their schedules and program them for 9th but in the second half of night and if my daughter just had one question. No restarting to get cooler but I just want to know because students were saying that someone the third floor today is supposed to cuz it was so hot is it okay if they bring you know some kind of phantom think I should be asking to have water because we don't want anyone to be passing out or having any incidents while they're in the classroom got no they should definitely have water with them some students even came to my office looking for water and we had it offices have water and they do you know they can have a fan as long as they're not bringing a big fan but they can haven't been hopefully the weather is going to break but they are cracked it was very hot in the building today it was very hot okay thank you oh for the translation that's a very good question. asking if there was something to translate on a lesson and if their child needs to translate something in the class and they can't use the phone the phones will be allowed under those circumstances it will be under the discretion and direct so if the teacher is allowing them to take out the phone they will the teachers are very very connected to the students needs and know that there are students that need to translate and that will not be an issue in the classroom we'll stop is than just having their phone out on their desk during the whole entire class if it's needed and it didn't you know it's it's warranted the teacher will be directing the class on the Metrocard I'm going to be definitely getting those out on the MetroCard should all be given out by the end of tomorrow we've been moving along really well and that'll happen during their lunch. Go get there the changes they can see the 12 okay so this was yeah so the junior so there's a question here saying that the juniors are on schedule to meet with a counselor is on the 12th right nothing so far away and it is because it's specially when they need those on classes changed and they need that attention what I'm going to write them to do and what we've been telling them is to email their guidance counselor if they emailed the guidance counselor there's a lot that the guidance counselor. just you for them quickly without having to have that whole face-to-face conversation and the guidance counselors moving through their emails pretty quickly answering back dues are requested a coming in through email so I would definitely start by telling your child to email they can then follow up on that Tuesday and I know that the schedule you are correct this is change so we will definitely be adjusting for that for any student that doesn't get to see that counselor will be extending that for them they also have Wednesday as well the 11th graders just to double and jump on that email they should definitely email that counselor Susan is it was that the question that you had Susan I got you know just to be clear because I've told myself I have two kids graduating this year and might have some pants and a pain situation and so just for one school the kind of when we may start to get any little information there so they can start to get there my spirit and what they need to do moving forward for the rest of the school year the same can I get a heads up and it posted Aspen X2 for PTA to be able to give that information for parents when they do come on and they probably will have those questions for us. I think everything has been answered and here coming up and she's going to discuss like expectations for each grade with the students also will be adding a likes on your page to the website with all information for the seniors once we've said everything is still in for the school year so all the information about days upcoming things will be on a page probably under students yeah and it will be coming very shortly this I also saw a couple of questions that were just added Heather so I couldn't go if you want me to please please I would be great okay so I'm senior talk so the stew the seniors are going to be meeting with their senior advisor on Friday September 15th from starting from. 8 and also the senior parents session the informational session the date is being set will be sent out within a day or so so you'll have a senior parent session and all of your questions will be answered however Lulu if you want to email me supervising the senior advisor this year so I can you know things rolling prior to those sessions if you need to that's not a problem and then the other question about a child wanting to change academies so you're at your the child should email the guidance counselor or me and I'll put my email in there and I'll touch base with the academy assistant principals and then they take it from there this is how we've done it in the past so I'm just going to put my in the chat honest probably in the numerous pieces but on a website so it's Barbie free us and just feel free to email your question or about the changing of the Academies thank you miss my no problem sorry to cut you off everybody is saying thank you I'm just looking it over again so when do you want to know my daughter she's and you doing it and today so I don't know why but why do you have so short a period between lesson is is Justinian because today she a problem and she's in you want to try to find class and was to be too late and the teacher of Spanish on her last lesson started to shout that she was late I'm going to why do you care so short I know I need to go to find the cross in the second questions what should she do in this case if she's a bit late this time she needs to go to the toilet to wash her hands like if she said so surprised that especially on the first day of school that the teacher would be shouting most of us most of all most of all they do not shout I'm so I'm surprised that that would have been the reaction the classroom and I'm curious to understand more about that but that being said the reason why it's three minutes is because the day only has so much time in it and students need to be in class for a certain amount of minutes you know under our state laws write it so it has to let you know run with that with that we always give them leniency normally the teachers know and once they get to learn the students and their behaviors and stuff like that in the student schedules they know that the students coming from gym downstairs in the back and they got to get up to the third floor you know that just do give leeway for that so you know it's not that the the bell in when we have music we don't have vowels and then you do they have to be so rigid in that so I would tell you to Tevin Ali tell your child you just communicate you know like come in the classroom be like I was coming from here and you know I'm going to sit down once the everybody settled down it will get easier I promise they do they have plenty do have time it doesn't sound like a lot and when she learns the way and the pathways there are easier ways to get to a classroom you know once she learns and navigates the hallways and the staircases they will learn what's the fastest way to get to the class it doesn't usually become an ongoing problem today she was really close to cry and so she was crying and I know that's stressful that stressful and also it was my question about fools on the lesson Crystal communicate with each teacher right to use her phone to translate because so she doesn't understand fully and so she needs to use her phone to translate some words and that will be totally allowed and the teachers will be working with that the teachers will understand that and still get there going to learn your your daughter right they're going to learn who she is and her needs and then you know that she needs this still encourage it for instructional purposes we just don't want the phones out and on their in their hands but no reason at all so when the teacher knows what needs to be done in there giving those directions and it's a different story so I can you cancel this is the same everyday I am sorry I didn't know so she doesn't have any I'll give it out or she I don't know so I'm so we'll be changed to the schedule for the each day term for now until January and it is the same schedule every day but I'm going to encourage you to email Miss Priya hemispheres can look over her schedule to make sure that she's in the right classes cuz that's what I'm is that what I'm hearing that maybe she should have classes that aren't on her schedule right now is that what I'm understanding it's now she is she ghost and it sounds great but you know we provided from Russia and I don't know how can we check how many credits does she have died so I'm going to ask you to email please email her give her your your child's name all the information she will definitely look into it for you and she'll get back to you tomorrow okay okay thank you know she tried to find someone today but so she could not and so she was upset tomorrow be better and everyday thank you very much for your yes Caillou This is can you send me a message okay I think I spoke to the parent before this is Alan Swann language if your daughter is as we are we are the transcripts need to be translated and there's a process for that cuz it has to be done outside of our school so it takes a little bit of time it's I mean mysterious can look at it and definitely she's the best person to do that but sometimes things need to take a little bit of time then it's not all in our control and if she's having any struggles with translation issue she can stop by and I'm happy to speak with her and I also want the clothes are title 32 which is going to start at the end of September much okay so I enjoyed sharing the space with you this evening I hope I answered the most burning questions this is recorded so it will be up on our website it will be shared with the greatest School Community which can also help with our PTA with their questions as well if they start Fielding questions from our parents I want to wish everybody a wonderful evening a restful weekend and I look forward for the things that are going to come this year thank you thank you thank you